We are pleased to offer the following services to assist authors and/or publishers with promotional book tours and/or literary events.

An initial 30-minute consultation to discuss and tailor a suitable schedule for each author is included in the packages outlined below.


Local – $500

Kate Mildenhall signing books in Melbourne, August 2023
  • Schedule and manage bookings for 6 bookshop visits over an agreed timeframe in selected areas (includes mapping/timing, communication/arrangements with bookshops, communication with publisher re book supply, and follow up confirmation with bookshops the day before the scheduled appearance)
  • Bookshop visits listed on Literary Listings website
  • Create and provide custom digital assets (a tile detailing all bookshop destinations for author Instagram, Facebook and website)
  • Bookshop visits included on Literary Listings weekly Instagram post
  • Each event shared to Literary Listings IG stories on the day of the event
  • For an added fee ($50), one static grid post featuring all 6 bookshop visits on Literary Listings Instagram Account (>4700 followers) for one week, then showcased in story highlights thereafter

  • Accompanied bookshop visits at extra cost, see below
  • Personalised consultation with author Kate Mildenhall for publicity coaching and advice, see below for details


Metro – $800

  • Schedule and manage bookings for 12 bookshop visits over an agreed timeframe in selected areas (includes mapping/timing, communication/arrangements with bookshops, communication with publisher re book supply, and follow up confirmation with bookshops the day before the scheduled appearance)
  • Bookshop visits listed on Literary Listings website
  • Create and provide custom digital asset (a tile detailing all bookshop destinations for author Instagram, Facebook and website)
  • One static grid post featuring all 12 bookshop visits on Literary Listings Instagram Account  (>4400 followers)
  • For an added fee ($50), one static grid post featuring all 12 bookshop visits on Literary Listings Instagram Account (>4700 followers) for one week, then showcased in story highlights thereafter
  • Bookshop visits included on Literary Listings weekly Instagram post
  • Each event shared to Literary Listings IG stories on the day of the event

  • Accompanied bookshop visits at extra cost, see below
  • Personalised consultation with author Kate Mildenhall for publicity coaching and advice, see below for details


Optional services quoted on request

  • Accompanied bookshop visits in metro area, photography, custom social media tile and including all relevant tags, post visit
  • The opportunity to have a one-on-one consultation (one hour) with author Kate Mildenhall for personalised coaching advice regarding your publicity tour. This consultation will be charged separately at ASA rates
  • Schedule additional intrastate or interstate book signing visits
  • Schedule and manage bookshop events where desired
  • Schedule and manage other literary events including author talks, launch events and/or festival appearances where desired
  • Custom tiles to promote tailored events (author talks, festival appearances, launch events)
  • (Assumes author has own established IG, FB and possibly website, and will post content supplied)

To discuss any of these services or to book a consultation, please contact Jill Langhammer on 0419 640099 or